The Attempted Review of Batman: Arkham Asylum

Posted by WhenYourGodGivesYouLemons On 6:25 PM

So I managed to get the hotly anticipated game Batman Arkham Asylum a day before it was supposed to be released, sweet. I then proceeded to play it for the entire next day in an attempt to get it finished and write a review for my University magazine On Dit. I sent off the review today so I'm hoping it's going to get published but in the meantime I'll post a little snippet from the full review for you to read. When the issue is published, about a week I think, I'll post it in full then or if it doesn't get published then I'll post it in full when I find out. Anyway enjoy.

DC Comics’ Batman is one of the most well known comic book characters ever. The universe Batman inhabits has been recreated in countless movies, TV shows, books, toys and video games. Whilst the TV shows, toys and latest film The Dark Knight have been hugely successful both critically and financially the video games wing of the Batman universe has lagged behind. Rocksteady Studios are looking to change that with their game Batman Arkham Asylum.

What It’s All About
Arkham Asylum, which has been released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and soon on the PC, is a third person action game. The game takes place solely at Gotham’s home for ‘colourful’ criminals “Arkham Asylum” after Batman has once again apprehended his arch-nemesis The Joker. While The Joker is being processed, Batman senses things are a little suspicious this time around, his nemesis surrendered a little too easily, so he decides to escort him to his cell. Along the way The Joker, voiced by Luke Skywalker himself Mark Hamill, gives an amusing commentary on the employees of Arkham while pretty much informing everyone he has something up his sleeve. Just as he’s about to be taken to his cell and with Batman unable to interfere The Joker, with the help of his part time lover Harley Quinn, takes over Arkham Asylum. Goons and criminals spring from everywhere to overrun the guards and Batman is the only hope for wrestling back control of Arkham from The Joker.


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