Over the past few days the geek community has been teased with some very interesting bits of information released or rumored by many different organisations.
Halo: Reach- Probably the biggest geek tease of the week comes from the guys over at Bungie. In the studio's weekly update they discuss a team-wide test play of the game's multiplayer and it's the article writer's summing up at the end that has people interested:
Something new from the creators of some of the best online multiplayer action ever? That's a seriously big geek teaseSo what exactly did we play? Something you would expect, something you should expect, and something so new it came with instructions. And yes, David Allen, I did make sure to pop into the [redacted] to check out the new [redacted]. And why yes, it was sweet.

Epic Mickey to Spawn Movie, Comic Books?- Apparently that's what the good folks over at Disney are contemplating. The ambitious game from Warren Spector looks to revitalise the classic Disney character as Spector had this to say on the future for the character, "I've had some discussions with people and really, really want to see some comics and cartoons and feature animation built around this." He also went on to say that in his mind the game was already seen as a franchise with the studio looking to reach the heights of Mario, Zelda and Ratchet & Clank. A movie based on Epic Mickey? It would certainly be interesting and rather ambitious on Disney's behalf but it could be just the thing to make Mickey a much loved character of the next generation. For those of you who don't know Epic Mickey is set for release on the Wii and sees Mickey stuck in The Cartoon Waste Land armed with a paintbrush so he can set things right again. Donald and other favourites make an appearance but not necessarily how you remember them and the whole world screams of steam punk influence.
There it is, the biggest geek teases of the week.
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