Over the past few years we've seen Max Payne, Doom, Silent Hill, Resident Evil and BloodRayne turned in to feature films with varying degrees of success both critically and financially.....Ok for the most part they've been crap, either through casting or directing or story or just being terrible games to begin with. Obviously though they'll always been compelling choices for studios because so many people buy games they expect some of those people will go see the movie and make the studio some money. That's why we've now got Gears of War, Prince of Persia, Army of Two, Lost Planet, God of War and a string of other games being made in to movies as we speak. So whilst it doesn't appear that the trend of turning games in to movies is going stop I hope to god that this next batch is better than the last. At the moment they appear on the right track with bigger name stars and directors attached to them with Prince of Persia attracting Ben Kingsley, Alfred Molina (OH MY GOD ITS ALFRED MOLINA!!!! DOCTOR OCTAGONAPLUS BAAAAAAA!!!) and Jake Gyllenhaal as the the Prince whilst Mike Newell of Harry Potter fame is directing. Personally I have a few ideas of my own for some potential video game movies.

Firstly Halo, now you might say this an obvious choice and it is actually being done according to IMDB but not in the way I believe i
t should. After playing the game Halo Wars and seeing the quality of the CGI animated cut scenes I believe that Halo should be made as a full CGI animated film in the vein of Final Fantasy The Spirits Within. This would allow them to accurately recreate the Halo universe and feel and avoid awkward casting decisions as voice actors would be needed instead of actual actors. Neill Blomkamp should definetly still be attached as he has the right vision for what the Halo universe should look like as

Secondly, The Legend of Zelda. IGN released a trailer for a Legend of Zelda film as an April fools day prank. The trailer was so well crafted and believable that many a fanboy got excited before they revealed it was a prank and not happening. But the quality of this production begs the question of why a
Hollywood studio has not accquired the rights and begun production. Peter Jackson or Guillermo Del Toro jump out as obvious directing choices due to the epic nature of the games and the bizarre storyline and characters whilst Orlando Bloom clearly has the man elf thing down pact. I think this is a game that could actually be done really well with the right people behind it.
Lastly I believe that the Assassins Creed franchise and Red Faction: Guerilla present themselves as potential
game to film adaptations. Assassins Creed has a rich story tied to religion, iconic people and times in history
and an interesting futuristic element. There is the potential for a trilogy franchise, always appealing to film studios
and could gather inspiration from films like Kingdom of Heaven, The Scorpion King and the upcoming Prince of
Persia for the stylistic look of that region ( I know the other two are set before Assassins Creed but its all
relative really). Red Faction: Guerilla could be pegged as a mix of Total Recall and films like The Terminator
which have a small band of resistance fighters rising up against the odds to fight for what they believe in. Plus
Red Faction has awesome explosions already in the game so they'd just look awesome on the big screen and
Assassins Creed has super cool assasinations and you could expand on the Crusaders war thingo and that'd
look really cool I think.
Well these are just my opinions, there are obviously lots of other games that s
how promise and potential for a movie adaptation but hopefully this next batch of films can buck the trend and
turn out some good quality adaptations.
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