The Assassins Creed 2 trailer blew me away but Microsoft hasn't done too bad a job as well with their E3 press conference. Oh for those of you who don't know E3 is probably the number one date on any gamers calendar as this is when your favorite developers show you what they are doing next. So what's Microsoft up to? Well for starters Crackdown is getting a sequel, hooray!! I loved this game, the super-hero style openworld action game was a blast and slipped under the radar. A sequel had been rumoured for a while and was confirmed today yay!! Seriously though whilst that's good news it wouldn't blow me away. So what did???... The announcement of a new freaking Halo game. Yes another one! This time its called Halo:Reach, as in where the Spartans where trained. It debuted at the end of the Halo:ODST section of their confrence with a due date of 2010. By the way Halo: ODST looks pretty damn cool itself. The story is new and fresh, you playing it through flashbacks taking on the role of different ODST's and the opening drop sequence looked amazing. They also gave out a September 22nd 2009 release date. Oh and if that wasn't enough the nice people at Codemasters let Microsoft show off a game demo from Moder
n Warfare 2 and it looks amazing. There was ice climbing, snowmobile chases, some stealth action and lots of explosions. They also welcomed Metal Gear Solid onto the 360 and Project Natal, basically the development of controller free technology for gaming. Natal is definetly an interesting concept with full face recognition software and rendering of all your movements in real time on the screen. Lastly it wouldn't be a Microsoft confrence without a visit from Peter Molyneaux. What he had to show was almost a little creepy. It was a project called Milo, a boy created by Lionhead who can recognise people through Natal, see them, speak to them like a real person and display emotion. Basically you become apart of Milo's world and he becomes apart of yours. Very freaky stuff but very advanced. So there it is the Microsoft press conference.
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